Bike fight is mountain bike city dual cup, that is held in cities around Slovenia. This weekend is on schedule race no.3 (of 5) and it is held in Maribor. You know this town by MTB world cup

that was held here in the past four years. The Bike Fight race in the city center beside the river.

Last year Brian Lopes won the race, but he won’t compete this year. But there will be best Slovenian and Croatian riders who would like to see some competitors from other countries as well.

The race will start at 17:00 with riders registration, at 18:00 will be the official training, next in the line are qualifications (one round, 32 fastest goes to finals) and then at about 21:00 there will

be finals (classic dual rules).

For all additional information about the race, how to get there … please contact me by mail or phone! Short presentation in English is also on

Hope to see you on Saturday in Maribor!

Grega Stopar,

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