Nach dem heftigen Crash beim Training in Fort William und dem damit verbundenen Ausfall im Rennen dort, wird der schnelle Australier auch bei der Worldcuppremiere in Leogang nicht an den Start gehen können – hier die neuesten Infos. (MRI heisst Kernspintomografie)

Sam Hill Shoulder Injury Update

Here’s a quick Sam Hill update from Monster/Specialized Team Manager, Sean Heimdal:

As most of you know, Sam had a pretty big training crash in Fort William that he was fortunate enough to walk away from with limited damage. Since then, Sam has flown back home to get an MRI on his injured shoulder and be in the close comfort of his family, friends, and coach. Though we don’t know the extent of the injury at this time, he will be missing the UCI World Cup in Leogang, and we’ll keep you informed with his progress over the next couple weeks.

Sam is pretty upset about what’s happened…not only for the personal goals he had set for himself this season, but also the fact that he’s not going to be out there pushing the limits for you all to watch in person or on Freecaster. Sam loves to ride hard, elevate the sport, push the competition, and backing down just isn’t in his vocabulary. The competition shouldn’t take this as a gift because he’ll bounce back stronger than ever.

Thank you all for your continued support!

  1. benutzerbild


    dabei seit 03/2009

    Natürlich gibts ein Video davon...noch niemandem die Begleitfahrzeuge inkl. Kamera vor und hinter ihm aufgefallen?

  2. benutzerbild


    dabei seit 09/2000

    nee, die waren vom Heli verdeckt smilie

  3. benutzerbild

    Marc B

    dabei seit 07/2001

    Bald bekommt Hill eine eigene Film-Drohne, die stets über ihm schwebtsmilie

  4. benutzerbild


    dabei seit 09/2007

    Ich wünsche auch gute Besserung und baldige Rückkehr in den Rennzirkus.

    Die Informationen über die Verletzung sind sehr spärlich aber egal wie schlimm die Sache ist würde ich mir wünschen das aufgrund dieses Zwischenfalls viele Fahrer einmal Ihre Protektion überdenken.

  5. benutzerbild


    dabei seit 09/2000

    Sam Hill hat sich beim Sturz drei Bänder in der Schulter verletzt und wartet auf seine Genesung:

    The last couple of weeks have been a bit of a bummer for me. I was really looking forward to the second world cup in Ft William but had a pretty wild crash in practice and hurt my shoulder too bad to be able to ride. I was hoping I could hang tough and salvage some points but there was no way I was going to be able to make it down safe so I was forced to watch the race. Its weird being a racer and not being in the race, It was exciting to see it all unfold but I just wanted to be out there so bad and race that track. After missing out on racing I decided to fly home and get my shoulder checked out. I found out that I have 3 snapped ligaments in my shoulder so thats why it was so painful. I have been home the last 2 weeks resting it and just playing the waiting game for it to get better. Unfortunatly there is nothing I can do to speed up the recovery so im hoping it gets better very soon because I want to be back out there racing and on top of the podium.

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