Die letzte Episode der Mondraker-Clips über die Saison 2012 ist online – zum Saisonabschluss dreht sich natürlich alles um Hafjell.

MS Mondraker Webisode #7 von MS- RACING – mehr Mountainbike-Videos

This is the last issue of the 2012 websiodes of the MS Mondraker team. We have been in Hafjell/ NOR for the last worldcup round and we took some good results: Emmeline 2nd in the race, 2nd in the UCi worldcup overall and the team finished 2nd in the UCi worldcup overall. Stay tuned for next year and check www.ms-racing.at or www.facebook.com/msmondrakerteam if you want to follow the team thru the off season.

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