DVD über Worldcup 2009 ?

Moin Moin,

Hat überhaupt schon jemand die Freecaster DVD bekommen. Hab Freecaster auch schon angeschrieben und gefragt wann sie die ausliefern werden, die reagieren aber nicht auf emails.
hmm, also meine is bestellt und bezahlt.... ma schaun wann die kommt;) btw was is eig mit den shirts? iwie gibts die nimmer

Dear Race Fans,

Thank you for showing your support through purchasing our DVD. Our editor is still working flat-out everyday to make sure our first production is the best it can be. Please bear with us while he continues the job. The DVD will certainly be finished within the next couple of weeks, but by the time it's gone for duplication and shipping it may not arrive on your doorstep until 2nd part of November. With nearly 2 hrs of edited footage, this DVD will be one of the longest race season chronicles EVER produced... so it'll be worth the wait!

Our "Look At The Time" T-shirts have also proved a hit this year! We'll be producing a handful more to satisfy demand... so if you placed your order in the last month or so, we're just waiting on delivery of the last batch but they'll be with you shortly.

Thanks you for your patience.


The Freecaster.tv team
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Also ich hab mein "Look at the time" Shirt schon, hat zwar auch ziemlich lange gedauert bis es da war, aber damit kann ich leben...
Habe auch nur 15 Euronen bezahlt!
Am Tag nach dem ich's gekauft hatte wollten die schon 20! :eek:
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