Tipp: du kannst mit der Tastatur blättern
Yoann Barelli with a top enduro line
Yoann Barelli with a top enduro line - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Wyn Masters making light work of one of the more awkward but photogenic corners on the course
Wyn Masters making light work of one of the more awkward but photogenic corners on the course - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Wallrides taped in on stage 6 provide some fun for the riders
Wallrides taped in on stage 6 provide some fun for the riders - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Today was the first day we could see the city of Santiago. The winds clear some of the smog that often obscures the view
Today was the first day we could see the city of Santiago. The winds clear some of the smog that often obscures the view - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
The cloud added a little more texture to those layers today
The cloud added a little more texture to those layers today - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
The chosen one¿
The chosen one¿ - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
The Andes provide a truly unique backdrop to the race
The Andes provide a truly unique backdrop to the race - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Taking down starting numbers and making sure no details are missed
Taking down starting numbers and making sure no details are missed - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Singletrack and scenery
Singletrack and scenery - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Sebastian Ramirez Dupuy keeping i it wide open
Sebastian Ramirez Dupuy keeping i it wide open - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Sam Hill carrying insane speed for what was such a deep powdery corner
Sam Hill carrying insane speed for what was such a deep powdery corner - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Richie isn't giving much away in practice but he's taking in all the details
Richie isn't giving much away in practice but he's taking in all the details - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Rae Morrison has been looking very impressive on track these past few days
Rae Morrison has been looking very impressive on track these past few days - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Not all locals show an interest in the racing
Not all locals show an interest in the racing - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Matt Stuttard coming in hot to Farellones
Matt Stuttard coming in hot to Farellones - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Mark Maurissen work on Wyn's bike after a crash caused a little damage
Mark Maurissen work on Wyn's bike after a crash caused a little damage - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Marco Osborne and Cerro El Plomo on stage 4
Marco Osborne and Cerro El Plomo on stage 4 - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Jared Graves opting to send not squash
Jared Graves opting to send not squash - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
It isn't a drive in Chile unless livestock is involved
It isn't a drive in Chile unless livestock is involved - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Isabeau Courdurier is on a new team for this year and has been looking good on track
Isabeau Courdurier is on a new team for this year and has been looking good on track - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Iago Garay opting to shower the media in dirt
Iago Garay opting to shower the media in dirt - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Greg Callaghan weaving between the rocks
Greg Callaghan weaving between the rocks - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Flow Espineira shows the crowd how to ride one of the chutes on stage 4
Flow Espineira shows the crowd how to ride one of the chutes on stage 4 - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
First tracks on stage 4
First tracks on stage 4 - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Every now and then the wind would pick up and dust would fly everywhere, making conditions interesting for the riders
Every now and then the wind would pick up and dust would fly everywhere, making conditions interesting for the riders - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Even the man made supported corners are loose here, Ines Thoma has a good feel for the grip now after two days of practice
Even the man made supported corners are loose here, Ines Thoma has a good feel for the grip now after two days of practice - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Ed Masters misjudging the amount of traction available
Ed Masters misjudging the amount of traction available - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Despite the recent wrist injuty Remi Gauvin is here looking to limit the points damage for a long season ahead
Despite the recent wrist injuty Remi Gauvin is here looking to limit the points damage for a long season ahead - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Damien Oton making  of the liason to stage 4
Damien Oton making of the liason to stage 4 - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Cecile Ravanel is completely unphased by any rock and tech on track
Cecile Ravanel is completely unphased by any rock and tech on track - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
Anita Gehrig at the start of stage 4 with 1150m of vertical descending ahead of her
Anita Gehrig at the start of stage 4 with 1150m of vertical descending ahead of her - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
All the way up to 3618m
All the way up to 3618m - - Foto von Duncan Philpott
A solitary push to the start of the final stage
A solitary push to the start of the final stage - - Foto von Duncan Philpott

Cecile Ravanel und Sam Hill fangen 2018 dort an, wie sie 2017 aufgehört haben – mit gewinnen. Die Gesamtsieger des Vorjahres ließen sich den Sieg auf den extrem anspruchsvollen Trails in Lo Barnechea, Chile, nicht nehmen. Die gefürchtete Kombination aus “Anti-Grip”-Sandboden und scharfkantigen Felsen forderte wieder einige prominente Opfer, ermöglichte aber auch das ein oder andere Überraschungs-Resultat. Hier findet ihr die vorläufigen Ergebnisse.


Sam Hill entschied nicht nur das Rennen für sich, sondern auch 3 der 6 Stages – bei den anderen 3 war er immerhin Zweiter! Martin Maes und Robin Wallner komplettieren das Podium, während Richie Rude und Adrien Dailly beide Platten erlitten und trotz extrem starker Zwischenergebnisse weit zurückfielen. Die Überraschung des Tages ist sicherlich der Schweizer Gusti Wildhaber auf Rang 4 – zwei Plätze vor seinem Cube-Teamkollegen Zakarias Blom Johansen.

Vorläufige Ergebnisse Männer
# Vorläufige Ergebnisse Männer


Nach Tag 1 lag Cecile Ravanel bereits um fast eine Minute in Führung – alles sah nach einem lockeren Sieg für die Weltmeisterin aus. Doch ein Platten am zweiten Tag machte ihr beinahe einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Trotz zirka 50 Sekunden Zeitverlust gewann die Französin das Rennen dank zweier Siege auf den letzten beiden Stages vor Isabeau Courdurier und Katy Winton. Ines Thoma beschloss das Rennen nach einigen guten Zwischenplatzierung auf Platz 9. Ein prominenter Ausfall war Anita Gehrig, die nach einem Crash an der Hand genäht werden musste.

Vorläufige Ergebnisse Frauen
# Vorläufige Ergebnisse Frauen

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